Wednesday, February 17, 2021

Third Eye Chakra Chakra Bracelet Valentine's Day Gift Guide 2021

Third Eye Chakra Chakra Bracelet where each stone has its own unique meaning and properties. Made with semi-precious gemstones and lava rock, the materials in each of these bracelets have been forged by millions of years of geological activity. Each of the 7 different semi-precious gemstones in this bracelet carries its own unique meaning to help align you with the highest form of yourself.

These bracelets have elastic bands, allowing them to fit most sized wrists comfortably.

The 7 chakras are:

Sahasrara Chakra Amethyst — The name of this stone comes from the greek words meaning “not intoxicated”, which perfectly fits the Sahasrara (or crown) chakra. The stone is said to improve clarity and emotional intelligence while enhancing creativity and passion. 

Ajna Chakra Lapis Lazuli- Lapis Lazuli supports the Ajna (or third eye) chakra. This stone is thought to improve inner peace and self-knowledge, helping the wearer access inner wisdom and make helpful decisions. 

Vishuddhi Chakra Blue Turquoise — The Vishuddhi (or throat) chakra is the fifth primary chakra and is understood to be the purification center of the body. Blue Turquoise is a highly versatile stone that dispels negative energy and supports calm and serenity.

Anahata Chakra Imperial Jasper— This stunning green stone supports your Anahata (or heart) chakra. The heart chakra makes decisions beyond one’s self and Jasper acts as a nurturing companion.

Manipura Chakra Tiger Eye — The Manipura chakra is the third primary chakra and sits directly above your navel. The Tiger eye stimulates balance and amplifies the energy of other crystals and stones in its presence.

Svadhishthana Chakra Amber — The sacral chakra is the second primary chakra and guides your creativity, sexuality, and self-expression. Amber helps balance emotions, eliminates fears, and clears the mind. 

Muladhara Chakra Sardonyx — This red stone is a combination of onyx and sard, serving as a protective stone. The Muladhara (or root) chakra is the first primary chakra and foundational to overall wellness as it grounds you and provides stability in life.

 My Opinion: I love this bracelet and wear it every day as it is cool looking and helps me feel balanced. The colors are also amazing on my wrist and I do practice the chakras

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