Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Twisted Shotz Review & Giveaway

For your next weekend party I recommend Twisted Shotz they come in a box of 15 which is a Party Pack because I am a girl they have all the great flavors I would like. I got two boxes to review one is the 2 Great Flavors in 1 Twisted Shot with 20% alcohol by volume and in the flavors of :
3-Strawberry Sundae which is made with strawberry vodka and vanilla vodka.
3-Rattlesnake which is made with tequila and lime liqueur.
3-Buttery Nipple which is made with butterscotch vodka and vanilla vodka .
3-Sex on The Beach whichis made with banana and pear liqueur and cream liqueur.
3- Porn Star which is made with raspberry vodka, and blue curacao liqueur.

The other box of 15 I got has 20% alcohol by volume (except Rattlesnake)
In this Box was 3-Miami Vice which is made with strawberry daiquiri vodka and pina colada vodka.
3-Polar Bear which is made with peppermint liqueur and white chocolate cream liqueur.
3- Whipple Chocolate which is made with chocolate cream liqueur and whipped cream vodka.
3- Strawberry Sundae which is listed above
3- Rattlesnake which is also listed above.
What makes them Twisted Shotz is in the shot glass they have a plastic separator so when you drink you get both flavors in one.

My Opinion: I found the flavors of the Twisted Shots to be tasty and my favor it are Buttery Nipple, Strawberry Sundae, Sex on The Beach and Miami Vice. I only need one as I rarely drink only on occasion and when I want to relax and just get out of my quiet shell and socialize. The price for a box of these is reasonable and since they have more alcohols then beer watch how many you have.

To learn more about these adult beverages visit

Disclaimer: I was in no way compensated for this review and this is solely my own opinion which may differ from yours.


  1. The one that interests me is the Strawberry Sundae

  2. I'm excited to try the rattlesnake, I think it sounds really good. Thank you.

  3. I have tried them all and love them....even brought them to Guatemala a couple yrs ago in my luggage! My fave is the Sex on the Beach :) Are they selling them in Maine yet? I had to go to RI because I couldn't find them here in Central Maine and if they are selling them I am SO looking for them!

  4. I would like to try the Polar Bear. I really want to try them all.

  5. I would love to try the Strawberry Sundae flavor.
    twinkle at optonline dot net

  6. I would love to try the Strawberry Sundae.

  7. I am excited to try the sex of the beach flavor.

  8. I'm excited to try the rattlesnake flavor, I think it sounds really good. thank you.

  9. Oh These are some interesting flavors. I would like to try the sex on the beach.

  10. It sounds interesting to try the Rattlesnake flavor.
    twinkle at optonline dot net

  11. All of the flavors sound good, but I really want to try the rattlesnake flavor. Thank you.

  12. I would love to try the strawberry sundae flavor. These all sound really good though.

  13. I would also like to try Miami Vice flavor.
    twinkle at optonline dot net

  14. I am really excited to try the Rattlesnake flavor.

  15. Sex on The Beach sounds like a good one to try also.
    twinkle at optonline dot net

  16. I would be excited to try the polar bear flavor.

  17. The Strawberry Sundae flavor is my favorite!

  18. I really want to try the Whipple Chocolate flavor.
    twinkle at optonline dot net

  19. I'm really excited to try the rattlesnake, I think it sounds really good. Thank you.

  20. I would love to try the Whipple Chocolate flavor.

  21. Polar Bear would be really tasty to try.
    twinkle at optonline dot net

  22. I would also try the 3-Miami Vice flavor
    twinkle at optonline dot net

  23. I think I am most excited to try the rattlesnake flavor. Thank you.

  24. I would like to try the Strawberry Sundae flavor.

  25. All of the flavors sound good, but I really cant wait to try the rattlesnake flavor. Thank you.

  26. Strawberry Sundae sounds terrific to try.
    twinkle at optonline dot net

  27. I am excited to try the Porn Star flavor. It sunds good.

  28. I do want to try the Whipple Chocolate, thinking back I don't think I had that one in my party box!

  29. I do know I would enjoy the Whipple Chocolate flavor.
    twinkle at optonline dot net

  30. All of the flavors sound really good, but I really cant wait to try the rattlesnake flavor. Thank you.

  31. I would be excited to try the Rattlesnake flavor.

  32. Strawberry Sundae and Buttery Nipple are the two I'd love to try first. They both sound delicious~! I think I would probably like most of them except maybe the Rattlesnake because I'm not a fan of tequila. If these taste as good as they sound one would have to be careful of how many they drank for sure.

  33. I would love to try them all, especially the rattlesnake and the polar bear, they sound really good. Thanks.

  34. The Rattlesnake flavor would be interesting to try.
    twinkle at optonline dot net

  35. Strawberry Sundae is number #1 and and Buttery Nipple #2 but I'd love to try them all.

  36. I am excited to try the Whipple Chocolate flavor. They all sound really good.

  37. Polar Bear flavor would be tasty to have around the holidays!
    twinkle at optonline dot net

  38. The Porn Star which is made with raspberry vodka sounds great to try also.
    twinkle at optonline dot net

  39. I want to try the Whipple Chocolate flavor, since I really love anything chocolate.

  40. the Whipple Chocolate is the most exciting of these to try.

  41. I am super excited to try the Strawberry Sundae flavor.

  42. Sex on the Beach flavor sounds terrific to try.
    twinkle at optonline dot net

  43. i would be really excited to try the Rattlesnake flavor. Although, they all sound really good.

  44. Whipple Chocolate would be fun to try at a party.
    twinkle at optonline dot net

  45. I think I'm most excited about the Whipple Chocolate.

  46. I am excited to try the Strawberry Sundae flavor.

  47. Polar Bear which is made with peppermint liqueur and white chocolate cream liqueur sounds wonderful to try at a party.
    twinkle at optonline dot net

  48. I would be very excited to try the Whipple Chocolate flavor.

  49. I am looking forward to trying Strawberry Sundae
    twinkle at optonline dot net

  50. All of the flavors sound good, but I really would like to try the rattlesnake flavor. Thank you.

  51. I am very excited to try the strawberry sundae flavor.

  52. All of the flavors sound good, but I really would like to try the rattlesnake flavor.

  53. I would really like the Polar Bear flavor and my husband also.
    twinkle at optonline dot net

  54. I am excited to try the Sex on The Beach flavor the most.

  55. Buttery Nipple seems like a great one to try.
    twinkle at optonline dot net

  56. I would be excited to try the Buttery Nipple flavor.

  57. I can't wait to try the Whipple Chocolate flavor.
    twinkle at optonline dot net

  58. The Strawberry Sundae is the one I want to try.

  59. I would be excited to try the Strawberry Sundae flavor.

  60. After this past weekend, I'd be excited to try any flavor...The whipple chocolate does sound tasty though.

  61. I am interested in trying the Strawberry Sundae flavor.
    twinkle at optonline dot net

  62. Miami Vice sound terrific to try.
    twinkle at optonline dot net

  63. All of the flavors sound good, but I really would like to try the Polar Bear flavor. Thank you.

  64. It sure is hot, a nice cold Polar Bear shot would be great.

  65. My husband and I would enjoy the Strawberry Sundae flavor.
    twinkle at optonline dot net

  66. I would love to try them all, especially the rattlesnake and the polar bear, they sound very good. Thanks.

  67. Rattlesnake would be terrific flavor to try.
    twinkle at optonline dot net

  68. I think the rattlesnake flavor would be really good, I'm excited to try it. Thanks.

  69. Polar Bear sounds like a fun flavor to try!
    twinkle at optonline dot net

  70. I am very excited to try the Sex on The Beach flavor.

  71. Buttery Nipple would be a good flavor to try.
    twinkle at optonline dot net

  72. Strawberry Sundae flavor seems wonderful to have!
    twinkle at optonline dot net

  73. I would be excited to try the Strawberry Sundae flavor.

  74. I am excited to try the Whipple Chocolate flavor.
    twinkle at optonline dot net

  75. I do want to try the Rattlesnake flavor.
    twinkle at optonline dot net

  76. All of the flavors sound really good, but I really cant wait to try the rattlesnake flavor. Thanks.

  77. I would be very happy to try the Polar Bear flavor.
    twinkle at optonline dot net

  78. I am excited to try the Sex on The Beach flavor the most.

  79. I'm excited to try the polar bear, I think it sounds really good. Thank you.

  80. I would try the Sex on The Beach flavor.
    twinkle at optonline dot net

  81. I think I would be most excited about Whipple Chocolate, since I do love Chocolate!
    twinkle at optonline dot net


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