Monday, May 6, 2013

Finding God in The Dark By Ted Kluck and Ronnie Martin

Finding God in the Dark by Ted Kluck and Ronnie Martin explores the raw revelations of their journey with mistakes and disappointment which can help with your own journey to find god. I was able to review this through Bethany House. This book has eight chapters both from each author. I started reading this book and have been reading more books about religion as we all need some spirituality in our life and learn to have more faith in what we have in our life and rely on the unknown as the lord above has a wonderful plan for each and every one of us we just have to find it. I can relate a lot to this book and the stories within the pages if not about me and my life then someone else I know has experienced it. I love this book and can relate to the stories as I have been struggling myself lately and have unknown anger and it makes you wonder why? This is definite read if you are having some of the same issues. To learn more visit . More about the book An Honest, Hopeful Look at Christian Doubt 
and Disappointment; Doubt often has less to do with the head than the heart. When Christians go through trials--from unmet personal expectations to the death of a loved one--they often feel like God has abandoned them, or maybe he never cared at all. Kluck and Martin walk readers through dark times in their own lives to reveal a God of love who never forsakes his children. Here is grace and hope for any believer struggling to believe. 
Christian Books: 

Disclaimer: I was in no way compensated for this review and this is solely my own opinion which may differ from yours

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