Thursday, May 31, 2012

Get Glow Hair Products

I received in the mail as part of a product review Get Glow Daily Shampoo and Get Glow Light Frizz Reflector . The Daily Shampoo ingredients are silica,pacific sea kelp,nettle, vitamin b5,vitamin and green tea extract. The shampoo smells amazing and when i used it it made my hair light weight which with some shampoos it  weights down your hair. It left my hair looking light and shiny. But unlike some shampoos with this product you need to wash your hair daily to keep it looking nice. I also used the Light Frizz Reflector and that helped alot with the frizz and controlled it and kept the shine.You can visit the website at .They cost $16-$19 but right on the website they have a promo buy to 2 get 1 free so i would go to their website and buy it before the promo ends . I would recommend trying them all and see if you like them and how they work for your hair. The shampoos you all natural ingredients and no chemicals like other shampoos. The product has been featured in numerous magazines and a review from a celebrity stylist which is on the website.I have also included a paragraph from the founder:
The pleasure of possibility. Every head of hair has different needs. I wanted to create beautiful products with the power to make every person's hair look better than it has before. When your hair needs are met - no matter who you are, it feels good. It’s amazing, really. That tiny happiness, when your hair surprises you, that is what I was after. To redirect frizz or to create thickness. To see fried, tired hair return to vitality and good health. To nourish and indulge hair with conditioning treatments. To feel cleaner and look more beautiful. That possibility. That is the seed at the core of every product we make.Tapping nature's abundance, using the latest developments from the lab and working with botanists and chemists relentlessly, I wanted to bring these formulas and all they promise to the palm of your hand.When you notice a new beauty product, and the silent voice in your head says, hmm..what’'s this? Your impulse is to smell it, touch it and try it. Small sensory pleasures. Never underestimate them. Ultimately though, it's about self expression, Yours. Taking the time to care for yourself. Playing with your look or creating a new one.A small effort to look better and ultimately feel better. It is possible. I hope we could inspire you to bring this sense of possibility to all the areas of your busy life. Enjoy!
Dalia Wallach
Disclaimer: I was in no way paid for this product or review and this is my opinion.

Silent By Becca Fitzpatrick

Well, I finished Silent By Becca Fitzpatrick in 4 days as work was slow and the book was so good and suspenseful not sure what would happen next with Patch and Nora. I do have to say i love the relationship between Patch and Nora and how romantic they are together. This is book 3 in the series with book 4 coming out in the fall and i just can't wait to read it. you can purchase the books on amazon,barnes and noble websites. Not sure which book stores carries them.Here is a brief summary i got at
The noise between Patch and Nora is gone. They've overcome the secrets riddled in Patch's dark past...bridged two irreconcilable worlds...faced heart-wrenching tests of betrayal, loyalty and trust...and all for a love that will transcend the boundary between heaven and earth. Armed with nothing but their absolute faith in one another, Patch and Nora enter a desperate fight to stop a villain who holds the power to shatter everything they've worked for—and their love—forever.There is also a fan site you can check out at: . If you have not read the series yet i would recommend them to you as they are awesome.

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Potty Cover

I received these potty cover in the mail as a product review. The potty cover come in a package of six disposable covers and mine has colorful dots on them. They can be carried in your purse, diaper bag or any type of bag you carry with you as they are individually wrapped. They are designed to help kids potty train or can be used in any public restroom to protect against any germs or wetness for kids and adults. They fabric they are made of is a soft non-woven one and on the bottom has a plastic liner.
Here is a photo of what it looks like on my toilet:
You can visit there website at:
When you go to the website you can find out where you can purchase the potty cover in your state or at Amazon or Ebay to name a few sites.
Disclaimer: In no way was I compensated for my review and each review I do is mine own opinion.
I received one or more of the products mentioned above for free using Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers.

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Trukid Sunscreen

I received my Trukid sunscreen in the mail as part of a product review. It is a mineral based non-chemical sunscreen with all natural ingredients. Since this past weekend was sunny and beautiful I decided to give a try. The smell is a subtle scent but what scent there was smelled nice. It comes out really thick compared to some that comes out all watery so you do not need much on the skin when applying. This is SPF 30+ and I was out in the sun for a few hours and did not get burned with it on. You can checkout there website at and learn more about there wonderful products.
Disclaimer: I was in no way compensated for this product or review and each opinion is my own.

Monday, May 28, 2012

Real Kids Shades

Real Kids Shades is a company that provides sunglasses for kids as the sun is bright for them as well and to prevent blindness. They have many styles of shades to choose from for ages 0-12 girls’ and boys’ styles. The glasses have 100% UV protection. the prices are all $14.99 (as i could tell) they have complete wrap around glasses and "regular" sunglasses, they come in a neat little pouch which you can use over and over when included a clip or a lanyard .You really forget as an adult that your kids also need eye protection for the suns UV Rays and Glares from the sun, we would not want any of our precious children to be blind do we? You can visit them at and see what they have to offer. I included a photo below of some of the sunglasses I received:
You can purchase them online or look on their website to see a store near you where you can purchase them as well.Here are some tips to keep in mind when buying kids sunglasses :
1. Only purchase sunglasses that are proven to
block 100% of both types of ultraviolet rays:
UV-A and UV-B. A UV 400 rating is ideal. Re
search the brand online and confirm they’ve
been third party tested to filter out 100% of
UV-A and UV-B radiation and contain no
phthalates, lead or bisphenol A.
2. Check lenses carefully for scratches, bubbles and
distortions. Flaws in the lenses can cause can
result in squinting, tearing and headaches.
3. Select sunglasses that match your child’s active
lifestyle. They should be impact-resistant and
frames should be bendable, unbreakable and/or
have snap on temples.
4. Look for sunglasses with polycarbonate lenses
and frames, the most impact-resistant material
available. Acrylic lenses can shatter. Beware. Many
polarized kids sunglasses have acrylic lenses.
5. Consider wrap-around designs that guard
against peripheral UV rays. Peripheral UV light is
just as damaging to children’s eyes as direct light.
Reflective light, from snow or water, is also
as damaging.
6. Make sure the sunglasses deliver a snug,
comfortable _ t. Avoid sunglasses that are too
tight or too loose for your child’s head. For
babies and super active kids, banded solutions
that _ t under hats and helmets are best.
7. Do not buy opaque sunglasses – especially for
small children and babies who can’t talk. They
communicate through their eyes and you want
to be able to see them at all times.
8. Wear your sunglasses. Remember, sunglasses are
not an accessory; they’re a necessity. When you
wear yours regularly, your kids will follow
your example.
9. Buy from manufacturers that stand behind
their sunglasses. The best brands back their
sunglasses with strong replacement guarantees.
10. Know the pros and cons of polarized lenses.
Unless they’re specifically treated with UV
coating, polarized lenses don’t offer UV
protection. Polarization helps to protect against
high glare light conditions. However, polarized
lenses also distort vision. Many children’s eye
care specialists believe polarized lenses can be
dangerous for young children just learning to
walk. This is one reason why Real Kids Shades
only polarizes the lenses on our Xtreme Sports
styles for 7-12-year-olds.

I am hosting a giveaway of one pair of your choice.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Boogie Wipes

Boggie wipes are saline wipes for kids with stuffy noses they come in scents great grape, boogie berry, Fresh scent and unscented and more wipe scents. I received the great grape, unscented and fresh scent. I tried the Great Grape love the softness and really does smell like grapes and i found it moistened my nose as i suffer from dry nose due to the environment. their website at and check out all there wipes and what new products they have. You can purchase them online or at your local store. It looks like Wal-Mart, Target and Walgreens carries them you can also find more retailers on the website. They prices are $5.99 and up depending on what size and amount you want. Here is a photo of what they look like:
saline nose wipes for kids
Disclaimer: I received this product to review and my opinion are my own and no way was i paid for a positive review.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Crazy Dog Tshirts

Have you heard of Crazy Dog Tshirts? They are a great website with many different styles and varieties.I unfortunatley did not read the size chart correctly and ended up with a shirt a little bit big for me but that is ok as i can still wear it. I picked light blue shirt with it saying "on gnome you diden't" with a gnome like the one from Travelocity logo. They shirts from vintage to 80's which i so adore the 80's ones reminds me of when i was growing up as a child and what was popular then, i really want to She-Ra tee shirt i may have to buy that one next or maybe the Gizmo one. Shirts are reasonably priced from 9.99 and up. A great variety and brings back oh so many memories.You can visit there site at and look at the variety they have. The shirts are quality material and graphic even looks vintage for the look you are going for. Some are even humorous.Make sure you tell me i sent you when you place an order so they know who sent you.

Nacho Mama Tees

Nacho Mama Tees sent me a shirt to review and i picked Sidewinder Colorado under the tab Funny T Shirts as i was missing the state i have lived in for five years before moving back to my home town and it is a nice reminder of all the places,people and sites i saw there. Colorado is a beautiful state and the people are so friendly. Nacho Mama has a wide variety of tee shirts ranging from movie to graphic to vintage and offer reasonable prices for there shirts. I would go check them out the web address is . They also offer a daily deal tee shirt for only $6.99 that is a steal ! Let me know what you think of them after you look at there website and browse all there awesome tee shirts and let me know your favorite one.

Friday, May 25, 2012—Be Heard. Be Happy.—Be Heard. Be Happy.

Cook N' Recipe Organizer Software

I received the Cook N’ Recipe Organizer software to review and I have decided I love it! It is so nice to have a software where you can put all your recipes on one place. I installed the program and of course I am not one to read directions but with this program you really need to read the getting started directions or you will be lost. I like that you can type in the recipe you are looking for and when you see one you want you capture it so it copies to your recipe book. The other things I like are how they are separated by bread, desserts ,breakfast and so on, You can also create your own  recipe file and put all your favorite recipes in there. You can also type in a recipe if you have one and can’t find it online any where one which more likely has been passed down generation after generation. I have been inspired to go cook something as I have not baked or made anything homemade in awhile due to my busy schedule but today I am baking, I made homemade Date bread. They also have cookbooks you can order online which you can access thru the software homepage  and up in the right corner you can click on the prices range from $.95 and up. You can also watch Cook N’ demo’s online as well, Read the newsletter on upcoming releases and what other devices you can put the software on. Cook N’ Recipe Organizer is a great program to purchase  it cost is $ 99.95 you can buy it on Amazon or at but well worth the price. I recommend this to anyone who likes to cook whether you’re a beginner of a professional it is awesome!  They have a great giveaways and a recipe exchange on there Face Book page and the link is:

Thursday, May 24, 2012

kopali organics

I received my Kopali Organics products via UPS and they sent me some wonderful stuff to try. I got the dark chocolate espresso beans,dried mango, dark chocolate banana bite. The Dark Chocolate Banana bites are yummy with a great banana flavor. Sometimes you think when you get dried fruit it is all dried out well the Mango from Kopali was not and it melts in your mouth! Kopali is all organic. You can purchase the product online from  and Amazon also carries them. If you do not see them in your local store you should inquiry about getting them there as they are so good for you made with Super foods also you can make others aware of your great Organic find that they would not know about without you. I have enclosed a history which i got from there web site: We founded Kopali Organics while living and farming on our off-the-grid permaculture farm and sustainability center in the rainforest of Costa Rica, an abundant home of luscious, delicious food. Not so far from this farm, low-flying airplanes spray highly toxic pesticides, herbicides and fungicides on banana plantations, and right onto farming workers in the field, as well as their families, their homes, playgrounds, schools and water supply. We witnessed the abusive labor practices that develop when large unsustainable agriculture has tremendous power and is the only source of income for people trying their best to feed their families. They are a great company with honest values so buy there product today and see for yourself , when you try and buy there product let me know which ones you like. The website address again is: . Thank-You Kopali for your wonderful Organic product!

Monday, May 21, 2012

Math City By Ahmed Amani

This book is very intresting to say the least. It has fantasy and imagination for the middle east. It has to do with numbers,love ,a monster, war. I have not decided which age group would be appropriate for this book maybe teens and adults as the story line may be too offensive to ages 5-11 as they talk about relationships and apparences.You can find it on Amazon at:
it is about 33 pages long so it is a short story. Here is a description from the book: Monster Number was grossly overweight and had a shaggy body like a mammoth. In the beginning, Monster number could not walk very well and swayed a little, tottering, and falling. But he was trained for detecting and killing by my father.
I would say read it and give your own review of the book but i honestly would see what age group this book would be appropriate for.Happy Reading. 

Jamberry Nails

I have gotten a product to review from Jamberry Nails the product is pattern paper to put on your nails as nail poish insted of painting them. I recieved the black pattern with a white background, the pattern was in 1 zebra print,1 plaid,1 with flowers and paisleys,1 flowers and vines. The instructiosn say clean nails with alcohol next measure your nail against the pattern before you cut the pattern out and finally lots of heat to get the pattern to stay on your nails. I have got to say how good can the heat and alcohol be for your nails and what about removal of pattern how easy will that be? I heard that the whole porcess can be hard on your nails and i was unsure if i wanted to even bother reviewing it but i have to so here goes. I started the process and have got to say i can't cut a pattern of very striaght for that matter.I put the nails on and then the heat, i must not have heated them enough cause they were such a pain to get on and stay on i got very mad and just gave up after 20 mins. I need something less compliacted and easier to do. Maybe the should have them so you do not have to heat very much and not use alcohol on your nail to help them stay on better. Who knows someone with more patiences and time would have been luck them me . You can visit them at:  , They have all kinds of color and patterns an alternative to nail poish and the scent it gives off if you have a sensitive nose or allergy to the scent.

Friday, May 18, 2012

Werther's Caramel Apple Candies

I recently tried werther's caramel apples candies my mom actually bought them for me at a store called Marden's and they were inexpensive.My first impression was are they gonna be like the original werther candies which is made with sweet cream and butter and i have to say yes they are just as tasty as the original the apple flavor though is a little tart .You can view the website at: . Maybe give them a try and let me know if you like them or not.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Eden Fantasys

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Quaker Honey Oatmeal Squares

I received my sample in  the mail of Quaker Oatmeal squares honey. I was impressed with the $1.00 off next purchase coupon on the back and the taste of honey was mild compared to the Cinnamon and the Maple flavors of oatmeal squares out there on the shelves. But all and all a rating 3 out of 5 stars i give it.

Monday, May 14, 2012

Sky Bar

One of my favorite candy bars is a Skybar it is made by Necco and has been around for a very long time. It has the flavors of vanilla,peanut,caramel and fudge in one candy bar with each there own individual square. They are very sweet as it is a candy bar but i like them alot. you can purchase them online at
If you have not tried them i reccommend them to try.

I know we all Bath & Body Works and they are in every mall and have great promotions. Around Christmas of 2011 they offer a coupon you spend $10 or get a free proudct up to $14 free. I ended up getting the New  Be Enchanted Lotion and it smells so damn good and since purfume is not allowed to be worn to work or certain doctors office due to allergies the lotion is a great alternative to wear. I got the larger sized one which goes for $11. I would reccommend Bath and Body works as they have a large selection of lotion and other goodies.You can go to Sign up for there emails and get previews to sales and free items.

Friday, May 11, 2012


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I don't know about you but my favorite drink in the world is water. It is so refreshing and quenches my thirst. Now that i am back in Maine my favorite water is Poland Springs water. It comes in a clear bottle with a picutre of a mountain stream and the colors are blue and green. You can buy it individually or by the case, they even offer home delivery. I usually buy it when it is on sale and get about 3 -24 pack bottles or the best place is Walmart in North Conway as it is the price around as regular price is$3.88 a case. To check out poland Sprins go to: and check it out.

Veriuni Advanced Liquid Nutrition is a one-of-a-kind, all-natural liquid supplement designed to promote robust health. Our exclusive formula packs 13 vitamins, 9 herbs, 18 amino acids, and a variety of nutrients, minerals, and plant extracts for total body wellness in every delicious, mixed-berry-flavored, 1-ounce dose. You can't get this formula anywhere else online or in stores! Try Veriuni Advanced Liquid Nutrition today and start noticing an improved sense of well-being and increased energy today!
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Tide Pods

I just tried the new tide pods as i got as a sample in the mail and i have to say it absolutely fabulous it whitened my whites and also brighten the dark colors. I would reccomed this to anyone who has not tried them yet .Follow the directions and then throw it in the washing machine before you add your clothes as the directions state.To those of you that have not tried it yet check out this link to review,

Tracy’s Dog Realistic Dildo Valentine's Day Gift Guide 2025

  Tracy’s Dog Realistic Dildo featuring vibrant colors, generous length (9.25''), dual motors and dual density design, indulge yours...