Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Arthur Brothers and Sisters

Coming to DVD on July 18, 2017, from PBS Distribution, is Arthur: Brothers and Sisters which is a PBS Kids Series. Join Arthur and his family and friends for eight stories about the joys and challenges of having a brother or sister. From D.W.  copying her big brothers every move to the Tibble twins discovering one of them is to hold minutes older, is loads of siblings fun! The following eight stories on the DVD are:
D.W. the Copycat- yet another personality change for D.W. who’s decided that from now on, she’ll be just like Arthur. She walks like him, talks like him, follows him every where he goes. How can Arthur persuade D.W. that the world is only big enough for one Arthur?

Arthur’s Baby- author is not  too sure he’s ready for a new baby in the house. What do babies do besides cry, cry, cry! As a month’s fly by, author imagines life with the new baby. Some of his fears seem to ring true: baby Kate doesn’t like him. Or does she?
D.W.’s Baby-  living with a baby is no picnic. No one ever told D.W. that babies cried all the time, and threw up on your close, and got all the attention. Just how long will baby Kate be hanging around, anyways? And who would even miss D.W. if she ran away to Button Island?
Arthur’s First Sleepover- have you ever been afraid of the dark? Despite D.W.’s threat of aliens, Arthur sets his tent for his first sleepover. D.W.’s mad that she can’t be a part of the sleepover, but she’ll have some fun of her own- with the help of alien lights. But, who will have the last joke: Arthur and his friends, D.W., or the aliens?
Francine Redecorates- Francine likes bats and lizards, while Catherine’s taste runs to lace. Normally, it’s fun to be different, but not of your 2 sisters sharing the same room. Space gets very tight at the Frensky’s when this odd couple decide they’ve had enough togetherness.

Sue Ellen’s Little Sister- Arthur and Francine would love to lend their sisters to Sue Ellen, who sick of being an only child. But Sue Ellen realizes she should be careful what you wish for, after her quest for the perfect sibling leads her to D.W.
Two Minutes- power shifts in the Tibble household when the twins find out Tommy is two minutes older than Timmy. Frustrated in his new role, Timmy enlists the help of an expert older brother tamer D.W.
The Pageant Pickle- school is almost out and Arthur can hardly wait for those lazy summer days by Miffy’s pool. Nothing could ruin such a happy time of the year except maybe D.W’s spring pageant.
My Opinion: I really enjoyed this DVD for kids and they with like knowing more about having a brother or sister which this DVD does let them know how much fun it could be.
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