Sunday, January 27, 2013

Tooth Tissues Review and Giveaway

Are you a first time mom? Do you have a baby of toddler that you want to have been oral hygiene habits? I recently was able to review Tooth Tissues which is developed by two dentists named Dr. Grace Lo and Jonathan Korn. The purpose of Tooth Tissues is to start when your baby is a newborn to remove any excessive plaque, milk or formula from the gums. It is very important to start healthy teeth regimens that will continue through adult hood. I have said before I wish I had more oral hygiene practices as a child and teen because as an adult it is harder to regimen myself for a routine since it was never instilled in me. To learn more about Tooth Tissues visit .  Tooth Tissues comes in Mini Resealed Pouches’ or standard size Re-sealable Pouches’. The tissues are unflavored and all natural as babies do not need to be exposed to artificial flavors made with Bamboo.
My Opinion: Great idea can be taken anywhere, works great on teeth, Great product for Moms and Dads to use. I used these on my teeth and they felt cleaner.


Disclaimer: I was in no way compensated for this review and this is solely my own opinion which may differ from yours.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

1 comment:

  1. I have never heard of them but it is an interesting idea for a product.


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