Friday, August 29, 2014

Define Bottle Review

Define Bottle is a water infused water bottle designed by Cater and his mission to end childhood obesity. I got to review Define Bottle Lite 12oz. and Define Bottle Mini 7oz. which is the perfect size to take anywhere and is Easy to clean (comes apart at the top and bottom), the cylinders are dishwasher safe, optional re-freezable base piece (purchased separately) - helps keep your fruit cool, strainer piece contains the fruit out of the mouth piece, odorless, tasteless, and stain resistant and BPA free. Fits in standard cup holders and has a strap as well.

My Opinion: These are great to add my lemon, blueberries or any kind of fruit I like and taste yummy! Who knew and since I am dieting these have come in handy to keep me on track. The lid is hard for me to open with my arthritis and I have to really push on it. I love the idea behind this there are a lot of overweight kids and adults that could use this to be healthy and not get diabetes.  

Besides what I have they sport top, flip top and more at

Disclaimer: I was in no way compensated for this review and this is solely my own opinion which may differ from your.

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