Friday, November 24, 2023

Ways To Be Aware of Your Monthly Bills

 Living on an income for some being disabled can be hard as you only get so much a month and you can’t just go out and work so you have to find ways to save money. The first thing I do every month is use a spreadsheet or piece of paper to visual see my monthly bills and I use calculator to get exact amounts as I can see my credit cards, rent, auto loan, etc. 

Second I figure how much I can use for gas, food, or anything extra and I must admit it is not much, I also use coupons for groceries, oil changes (if available) any place I can to save money as it is stressful trying to figure out how to make all the bills monthly. What are some ways you had to adjust your budget since inflation?

I finally discovered and it is very interesting as I can put in the amount of my credit card balance, annual interest rate and how much I pay monthly then it will show principal, interest, and when you will have it paid off which is nice to see that although I am in debt now there I slight at the end of the tunnel and motivates me to focus on that and not get to overwhelmed as debt at times can be intimidating.

So if you are looking for ways to budget, save money, build your credit the same way I am as in 2024 I want to be in a better place debt wise and aware of my finances this is a great step to achieve that goal. 

1 comment:

  1. My Dad always told me that you never buy anything you can't pay cash for. You only go in debt for a house and/or a car. I have tried to live like that. I never had things others had or took vacations, other than visit my sister in another state. I am blessed that now i am in my 70's and can live off my social security and savings. Others that took vacations are still working every day. There is always light at the end of the tunnel if you are looking for it.


Throwback Thursday Music Edition The Deeper The Love By Whitesnake

 I love this song!!