Friday, February 6, 2015

Reebok Human Score 80 The Fit Spirit

I just went to take my Human Score from Reebok at Take the HUMAN SCORE test from Reebok
i got 80 out of 100 which is a pretty decent score and means The Fit Spirit which means THE FIT SPIRIT’S APPROACH TO FITNESS
Maybe it’s written in the stars, but no one epitomizes mind-body connection better than Fit Spirits. They continually strive for perfect balance – perfect cosmic alignment. Spirituality and fitness requires dedication and discipline, and Fit Spirits have both in abundance. To keep their spirits energized Fit Spirits will likely appreciate spending time outdoors hiking or surfing. When it’s time to move indoors, martial arts and all forms of yoga, from ancient Ashtanga to power yoga will help them find the balance they seek. Fit Spirits have a healthy aura that is apparent to many. When they are ready to take it to the next level Fit Spirits might consider putting all that good energy towards coaching and helping others. Take The Test and tell me your human score! 

I am an affiliate for Shareasale  so if you make a purchase from Reebok i get a small commission 

1 comment:

  1. I liked that commercial. My Reeboks have lasted and I play lots of sports. I'll have to take the test on the weekend to see how I do.


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