Tuesday, October 4, 2016

If You Give A Donkey the White House by David E Levine

If You Give A Donkey the White House by David E Levine from Dog Ear Publishing and this book is about when an arrogant donkey asks you to let him into the White House, you might get duped into thinking it’s a good idea. But once he gets there, he’ll want to expand the government. And then before you know it, he will take you on a misguided adventure that will ruin your life. In this timely parody, readers young and old will either laugh or cry as they follow the story of a boy, a donkey, and unintended consequences.

My Opinion: I really enjoyed this book and I laughed all the way through it and understood what it was about and could see some truth to it. It’s definitely a must read for those in politics and just for fun.
About the Author: David E Levine lives with his wife and four children in New Jersey, where he finds ample opportunity to make fun of donkeys.

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