Wednesday, February 28, 2018

The Cat in the Hat Knows a Lot About that! Season 2 Volume 1 Review & Giveaway Ends 3/12

Out now from NCIRCLE Entertainment is The Cat in the Hat Knows a Lot About that! Season 2 Volume 1 features the voice of Martin Short as The Cat in the Hat show follows the adventures of 6-year-old best friends, Sally and Nick, as they are whisked off on extraordinary voyages of scientific discovery with the Cat in the Hat. Thanks to the Thinga-ma-jigger and our friends, exploring has never been more exciting! In this volume, kids will learn the answers to questions like what causes day to change into night, why do we sneeze, and what makes our heart beat. And the discoveries don't end there! We learn about why animal ears come in many shapes and sizes, how different animals carry their babies, who are the fastest creatures in the world, why male crickets chirp, what feathers are used for and so much more! 

So let's go, go, go, go on an adventure, we're flying with The Cat in the Hat today! With 20 episodes which include The Last Chocolate, Meet The Beatles, Babies, How Cool Is Coral, Timmy Tippy Toe, Jumping on the Moon, Fun in the Sun, and so many more. The approximate running time of this DVD is 220 minutes.
My Opinion: what kids do not like The Cat in the Hat? These episodes lets kids imaginations run wild along with teaching about science and learning.
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