Sunday, October 27, 2019

Love is Action How to Change the World with Love by Rhonda Sciortino

Love is Action How to Change the World with Love by Rhonda Sciortino from Hatherleigh Press. Authentic love is scarce, but it doesn’t have to be that way. Too many people suffer from the terrible sadness of feeling unloved. The good news is that there is a remedy that is readily available. We can show our love by doing what comes naturally to us, our “no big deal”. Loving actions don’t need to be impressive or costly, and they shouldn’t come with a price tag of expectations attached.

Love is Action is full of rich wisdom and practical tips that will lift your spirit, give you hope, and most importantly, inspire you to action. Become part of a community of love, one that is working together to find new and meaningful ways to show kindness, improve the world and live lives full of hope, generosity, mercy, and above all, love.

My Opinion: I believe this book needs to be read by everybody in the United States as there is no one love or compassion for anybody and everybody has their own opinions about things sometimes you just need to keep your mouth shut and show some compassion. And I like how this book shows and give you ideas on how to show love if you do not know how to begin.

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