Saturday, May 24, 2014

Duraflame Roasting Logs

Warmer weather is here and so is outdoor fun not to mention camping. If you live in Maine like I do you go camping as there are so many woods it just nice to do.  I remember some of my fondest memories as a kid my family would go camping in tents or camper. I remember how relaxing it was being one with nature and serene surroundings not to mention the animlas I would see rabbit, moose, deer and bear. I recently got to review Duraflame Roasting Logs which comes with 4 logs, made with 100% renewable resources of  real wood charcoal this can make for long lasting hot coals. This is great log for marshmallows, hotdogs or anything you want to cook over a campfire or fire pit. If you are new to building a fire you would stack and light 2-3 logs and add more as needed. Can be used at the beach, in the backyard, in fire pits, indoor fireplaces and more visit to learn more.

What memories will you make this summer to make an ever lasting impression or you and your kids?

My Opinion: I love these and I will be using these and then some this summer. I want to do more camping and sleeping in a tent in my backyard more then ever this year as I live in the woods and very private.

You Tube:

Disclaimer: I was in no way compensated for this review and this is solely my own opinion which may differ from yours.

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Throwback Thursday Music Edition The Deeper The Love By Whitesnake

 I love this song!!