Saturday, May 3, 2014

Chia Pet Hello Kitty

I recently was given the opportunity to review Chia Pet and I picked Hello Kitty as it is new and one I have never seen before. If you have seen the commercial for Chia Pet you know how it works you spread the seeds water and in two weeks you have a full coat. The only part that grows is the head behind her little bow. You can grow up to three times and then use it to grown basil, alfalfa or thyme. They also have Duck Dynasty, Mickey  Mouse, Scooby Doo, Disney Chia Flower Garden , Chia Frog and so many more at

My Opinion: I like this as it is the first plant I did not kill as I seem to kill every plant or flower I have ever owned and it is so easy to grow and Hello Kitty looks so cute with the chia grass. This would make a good gift for Mother’s Day or a young child to help grow.

Disclaimer: I was in no way compensated for this review and this is solely my own opinion which may differ from yours.


  1. Some day I'm going to get a Hello Kitty Chia Pet. I pinned this to my wish list in the mean time!

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