Saturday, July 12, 2014


Being a mom or Dad does not come with instructions so when your child gets hurt you wonder do I have bandages, first aid kit, antibacterial ointment and so much more. Me4kidz offer kid friendly packaging along with such products I got to review the Medibag which is white like a doctors bag with a monkey on the outside and inside it had Burn relief cream, Antibacterial ointments, Sting relief cream, Tweezers, 3” cotton tip applicator swabs, Instant ice pack, Kid-friendly stickers, Doctors bag organized case, Emergency family information labels and Refill card offer. The bag is pediatrician recommended which makes you feel good about purchasing.

My Opinion: I really love having this Medibag as it has everything needed to calm and relax a kid. The kid friendly design is a plus as it distracts them. I definitely would recommend any mom, aunt, uncle to have one on hand or gift.
Besides what I got they have Medi buddy, Diaper bag buddy, Smile buddy, Cool it buddy and more at 
Where to buy? Toys’R’Us, and many more places you see the list at or search the closest in person location near you.
Disclaimer; I was in no way compensated for this review and this is solely my own opinion which may differ from yours.

1 comment:

  1. This is a cute affordable bag and you can certainly add things it's lacking. It may make the subject easier to talk about with kids who may get scared in an emergency. Cute bag for a serious subject.


Throwback Thursday Music Edition The Deeper The Love By Whitesnake

 I love this song!!