Sunday, May 8, 2016

Sausage Making by Tonia Reinhard MS, RD, FAND with Brendan Reinhard and Brent Mitchell

I have always wanted to know how to make sausage at home as I was curious how it was done now with Sausage Making by Tonia Reinhard MS, RD, FAND with Brendan Reinhard and Brent Mitchell. The book is about making delicious, succulent sausage at home. Learn the secrets of making tempting homemade sausage in your home kitchen with Tonia’s easy-to- follow, mouth-watering recipes. Making sausages is an ancient art that has made a huge comeback in recent years, and while there is a science to making sausages, Tonia takes all the guesswork out of it, making it a fun, safe and exciting project for your home kitchen. She provides all the information you need to get started from details about the right tools and equipment to an explanation of just how healthy sausages can be when you use the right ingredients and seasonings. There’s an extraordinary variety of recipes that are influenced by sausages from all over the world and that feature a wide range of flavors, from classics like pork, beef, lamb, chicken and turkey to more adventurous options like wild game and fish  and even vegetarian and vegan sausages. Tonia also makes meal planning easy, suggesting pairings for your sausages to showcase your efforts.

My Opinion: The book is very informative and has some new and different sausages I would have never thought of making a cheeseburger sausage, Polynesian sausage and more. I wish it could be made without casing.

Disclaimer: I was in no way compensated for this review and this is solely my own opinion which may differ from yours

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Throwback Thursday Music Edition The Deeper The Love By Whitesnake

 I love this song!!