Friday, June 30, 2017

Hood Cottage Cheese House Party

 Recently as a member of House Party, I hosted a Hood Cottage Cheese sampling event at my home. Now if you’ve never heard of Hood Cottage Cheese it is packed with protein and a good source of calcium it also is rich, creamy and delicious. It comes in a variety of flavors such as original, pineapple, peaches, maple & vanilla, garden vegetables, chive, cucumber with dill and much more.

I invited a variety of people to help sample this and I ended up getting the Maple with vanilla, pineapple and  Honey & Pear now there are many ways that you can eat cottage cheese I know it was very popular when my mom was younger but I don’t know if so much this generation eats cottage cheese so it was nice to introduce this to new people that have never experienced cottage cheese before.

Some of the recipes you can make our waffle Sunday, arugula toast, cucumber bites, loaded bagel, pineapple crisp, and so much more.
My party pack included recipe cards, spin the spoon board, reusable bags, for red bowls for the cottage cheese, little spoons, blindfold, an 8-ounce hood plastic jar in various garden stakes guess you could call them.
We had such a blast sampling all the cottage cheese and everyone found their favorite flavor some like the sweet while others liked the savory.
To see more visit

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