Monday, December 31, 2018

FaceTory December Lux

FaceTory is a box of sheet masks delivered to your doorstep every month. It’s a fun, easy, and affordable way to discover the latest and cult favorites of Korean sheet masks. December Lux includes 7 products which are FaceTory Let’s Talk, Detox! Purifying Pore Mask with charcoal and volcanic ash will help detoxify clogged pores making them less visible and leave your skin smooth and soft.
Banobagi Milk Thistle Repair Mask take some time to take care of yourself as you use this mass that contains ingredients helpful in creating smoother and more youthful looking skin. This mask is extremely gentle to use, making it great for sensitive skin types.
23 Year Old Cocoon Silk Mask this mask will work to provide you with deep hydration as it works to quench your dry skin.

Dr. Althea Water Glow Skin Renewal Hydrogel Mask watch your skin receive its glow from one of their favorite kinds of mask, a hydrogel mask.
Shionle Pollutant Defending Mask with harsher changes in the weather, this mask will protect your skin from the harmful environment that is right outside your door.
Simple When Snow Song Illuminate Mask with a fitting name and packaging for the holidays, this mask will help brighten Dole looking skin using an extremely soft sheet with a light and refreshing essence.
DayCell Pro-biotics 3 Step Total Solution Mask with a 3 step mask your skin care routine will be taking care of in one go, leaving you with moisturizing, glowing skin.

My Opinion: the winter does numbers to my skin and really dries it out so I tried the 23 Year Old Cocoon Gold Silky Mask which is going to quench my dry skin and deeply hydrate. I’m truly impressed with the results in my skin looks so much better than it did before.
To see more visit
Disclaimer: I received one or more of the products or services mentioned above for free in the hope that I would mention it on my blog. Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission's 16 CFR, Part 255: "Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.

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Throwback Thursday Music Edition The Deeper The Love By Whitesnake

 I love this song!!