Friday, August 31, 2012

Combat Source Ant Bait Review and Combat Ant Gel Review and giveaway

I received in the mail as part of a product review from Purex Insider Combat Source Max Bait and Ant Gel. I do not know about you but this summer with ants have been crazy and where I live I feel I am living on an ant hill so I was so glad to be able to review this product. They are more outside now then inside so what I did was put the ant bait outside and see what happens. Remember with any product you purchase read the warnings and instructions as you do not what to harm yourself or your family. The Ant Bait is so easy to use and can just sit anywhere you have a problem. The product is child resistant and works quickly. The Combat Source Ant Gel you use by squirting the syringe wherever you have any ant problems and they in turn foraging this sweet stuff back to their colony and feed the bait to their larvae and queens so that the entire colony is killed through the domino effect. This product will last for up to one month and works within hours.

Who wants to win Combat Ant Gel? Enter Below.
Disclaimer: I was in no way compensated for this review and this is solely my own opinion which may differ from yours.
a Rafflecopter giveaway

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