Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Purex Natural Elements Tropical Splash Review and Giveaway

As part of being a Purex Insider I got to review their new Natural Elements Tropical Splash with Dirt lifting Action. Escape to the tropical with this one as you need to with the cabin fever and the snow that seems to never ends, thing of the warm sunshine the scent of the ocean the breeze running thru your hair and the waves crashing on the ocean shoreline! That is my little escape for the moment and the scent of this takes me there and thing warm thoughts. This is formulated for Sensitive Skin, Hypoallergenic and Dye Free. With the new Dirt Lift action I found it worked well on my clothes and my driveway is muddy and it worked well at removing the mud stain left overnight. This will leave your clothes Bright, White and Clean as well. Visit http://www.purex.com/products/detergents/natural-elements and learn more about the Natural Element line also find where a store near you carries this product. 

Disclaimer: I was in no way compensated for this review and this is solely my own opinion which may differ from yours.

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Everything. The flowers,the air, wearing less clothes....

  2. I love all the flowers that come up and being able to get out into the sunshine!!

  3. The feeling a freshnes
    s and renewal. It puts a little spring in your step!

    lilypaddj3 at gmail dot com

  4. I like all of the new flowers coming up and the warmer days.

  5. I like the warm weather that spring brings!

  6. I love going morel mushroom hunting, planting my garden and mowing! I love the outdoors :)
    Maggie True Armstrong
    maggie at pdclarion dot com

  7. love the flowers
    Rod Jackson
    mrsrodjac at hotmail dot com

  8. I love that the grass grows! I work as a gardener, so grass is my livelyhood. I also love the flowers.... I love walking through a fragrant garden... smelling the Daphne Odora...mmmmmm

  9. I love the warmer weather and flowers


  10. Oh I love the beautiful colors..the green grass...the beautiful flowers!

  11. I like warmer weather and not shoveling snow;)
