In the world we live in today you need to know more than one language rather it is at work or when you travel being bi-lingual is a necessity. I have always wanted to learn Spanish as when I lived in Colorado there were a bunch of Spanish speaking patients and working in the medical field I was unable to help us always had to call an interpreter. Do you know learning another language as a kid is better than as an adult as your mind will retain more and quicker. I got to review Little Pim Spanish DVDS it was a 3 pak and includes Eating and Drinking, Wake Up and smile and these were designed and Inspired Julia Pimsleur Levine developed the Entertainment Immersion Method and worked with leading neuroscientist Dr. April Benasich, Director of the Rutgers Infancy Studies Lab. Julia is the daughter of Dr. Paul Pimsleur, creator of the Pimsleur Method, a popular language learning program for adults.
My Opinion: This is great to teach your child another language and if you want to learn as an adult you can learn with this as well. I am
Besides the language I got they have French, Chinese, Italian, German and so much more. Visit to learn more.
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Disclaimer: I was in no way compensated for this review and this is solely my own opinion which may differ from yours.
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