Monday, April 28, 2014

Keurig Rivo House Party

I recently was given a Rivo to try from Keurig as being a member of House Party. I was so shocked I was chosen and even shocked when two arrived at my house meaning one for me and one to give away to one of my House Party Guests! If you have not seen the Rivo yet you are in for a treat as it makes my all-time favorite drinks Cappuccinos and Lattes.  One side is for the espresso and the other is for the milk. The machine is so easy to use just pop in the pod pick your size then brew and same for the milk just pick the level then indict which kind of drink you like. This also came with a beverage guide to make your own drinks. Can I say I love this machine and so does my husband! My favorite is the Classico .

Here are some photos from the party we combined lunch and dessert with a great time with friends and family to see more on the Keurig Rivo go to 

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Throwback Thursday Music Edition The Deeper The Love By Whitesnake

 I love this song!!