Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Postnatal Vinyasa Yoga With Jennifer More

If you read my blog you know I have been talking about yoga and wanting to learn it for so long but still have mastered the art and courage to really concentrate on yoga but I am vowing to thru the month of February giving it a real go. I know as I age my body can’t heal from any injuries as quick as when I was in my teens and twenties so I will be taken precautions. I recently got the video Postnatal Vinyasa Yoga with Jennifer More which I have been watching and doing a few moves. This DVD has been carefully crafted to allow a new mom the opportunity to resume her yoga practice slowly, starting with the 5 minute, getting back on your mat practice. This practice is designed to get you back in touch with your body so you can safely resume your yoga practice while sending healing energy to the space where your baby lived for all those months. As a new mom, it is difficult to find time to fit yoga in, this is why we have created a 15 and a 30-minute practice. Finding 15 minutes a day to do yoga is easy and you will notice the huge difference it will make. Just 15 minutes a day of making time for yourself and the healing of your body, will contribute to more positive moods, more and energy during the day, becoming a stepping stone to reclaiming your health and fitness. After making the 15-minute practice part of your routine, you will be able to integrate the 30-minute practice; this is where you will really start to see the benefits in your body, energy levels, strength, and stamina. Eventually, with these two practices, you will feel ready to return to your regular yoga practice in a safer and more comfortable way.
My Opinion: I really liked how this was easy to do and take it step by step at a time for new moms trying to get back into yoga since it has been nine months since the last time doing it. I learned a lot from this video and excited to do more and feel a difference in my body.

Disclaimer: I was in no way compensated for this review and this is solely my own opinion which may differ from yours.

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