Valentine’s Day is a great time to give the one you
love a bouquet of flowers from Teleflora and let me tell you she will love
them. I got the Wrapped with Passion Bouquet which is filled with a radiant
bouquet of romantic long stemmed red roses and feminine stargazer lilies
in a vase inspired by Italian art glass; this resplendent, hand-blown glass
vase is hand-wrapped with a delicate glass ribbon.
This was delivered by my local florist which is
Warren’s and they got it to me promptly and very friendly. If you are someone
who has a hard time expressing your feelings and would like help Teleflora has
love note concierge that can assist in you finding the right words to express
your feelings. I have to admit sometimes I can’t always express my feelings to
my husband so I do what I know how to do and that is cook and prepare nice
meals for him but he does not always realize that is a way I am expressing my
feelings to him so words are a much better way to do so.
My Opinion: I loved
the bouquet and it has lasted a long time and smell amazing I never realized
how beautiful star gazer lilies are how they make a bouquet bright this time of
the year in winter not to mention a great Valentine’s Day for love that is
one-of-a-kind your love story that includes a personalized note of what you want to express to them.
To see more about Teleflora visit
Disclaimer: I
was in no way compensated for this review and this is solely my own opinion
which may differ from yours.
This was by far the best arrangement I've sent to my wife, and there isn't another florist I will turn to in the future. You need to look no further than this San Francisco Flower Delivery service. They are incredible.
ReplyDeleteI got the similar flowers for my wife on this very special day and there was nothing I found better then that for my lovely lady. I saw the best Bangalore Flower Delivery reviews and got it luckily with best flowers available with lovely smile.