Thursday, November 16, 2017


 I always put my Christmas tree up in November as I like to see the pretty lights and decorations but every year I have to crawl under the tree to plug in the lights and to be honest with my fibromyalgia I am lucky to get back up and not be dizzy of hurt something it is very frustrating. I was lucky this year to find Treemote. Treemote saves you from crawling under the tree to turn the tree on making it simple and easy. Just plug in the lights in the Treemote and it works in any room in the house to turn in the lights it is that easy!

My Opinion: I am so thankful for Treemote as I did not have to crawl under the tree anymore to turn the lights on making it simple and easy I tried the treemote from every room in the house to see how far it works and surprisingly it worked in all the rooms.  Great Christmas gift for anyone to use and have an easy Christmas.
To see more visit
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