Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Irish Wit, Wisdom & Humor by Gerd de Ley

Irish Wit, Wisdom & Humor by Gerd de Ley from Hatherligh Press and has an MSRP of $15.00. Featuring the wit, wisdom and humor of: Samuel Beckett, Bono, Kenneth Branagh, Pierce Brosnan, Joyce Cary, Tim Daly, J.P. Donlevy, Colin Farrell, Brendan Francis, Richard Harris, James Joyce, Denis Leary, C.S. Lewis, Robert Lynd, Spike Milligan, George Moore, Iris Murdoch, Graham Norton, Edna O’Brien, Sinead O’Connor, Maureen Potter, Hal Roach, George Bernard Shaw, Jonathan Swift, Oscar Wilde, W.B. Yeats, and many more.
The best live entertainment in Ireland is the funeral.- Des MacHale
Is not a sin not to be Irish, but is a great shame. – Sean O’ Huiginn
Christmas: the time of year when you put too many pounds onto your body… And take too many out of your bank account. - Mary Mannion
Job: an invasion of privacy. – Danny McGoorty

A friend that behaves like an enemy is neither.- Tim Daly
The golden rule is that there are no golden rules.- George Bernard Shaw
You cannot create genius. All you can do is nurture it.- Ninette  De Valois
Is adultery a sin only adults can commit? John Banville
If money doesn’t grow on trees, why do banks have branches?- Jacnita O’Brien
A man travels the world over in search of what he needs and returns home to find it.- George Moore
I love to smoke so much I’m going to have a tracheotomy so I can have two at a time.-Denis Leary
If God wanted us to believe in him, he it exists.- George Brent
First things first. Last things never. –Eamonn Andrews
If at first, you don’t succeed, well, so much for skydiving.- Victor O Reilly

My Opinion: I really enjoyed reading this book and all the funny wit and humor what is good about it is you can read a couple of them put it down. Is a perfect book to celebrate St. Patrick’s Day with as it is Irish wit, wisdom, and humor.
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