Saturday, January 10, 2015

NuWave Oven Pro Plus

You may have seen the infomercial when flipping through the channels on TV for NuWave Oven Pro Plus this uses infrared heating to make you electric bill be lower every month not to mention leaving your food moist and flavorful. You can cook virtually anything in it from frozen meats, rolls, cookies, meats that are unthawed and more. It has a dome which is 1.25” cooking rack. The NuWave Oven Pro comes with a CD, Recipe book and times to cook what you want to prepare in it.

My Opinion: This fits nicely on my counter and having more than one small appliance to cook many different things you can get rid of them and use only this each part the NuWave Oven Pro Plus comes with can easily be cleaned in the sink or in the dishwasher. The food comes out yummy and hard to think you won’t use your oven as much. The price for this is a bit high so lowering the price for this may be something to look into.
To learn more visit

Disclaimer: I was in no way compensated for this review and this is solely my own opinion which may differ from yours. 


  1. I agree that price is a little steep for me. My kitchen has the cabinets over the counter tops too much so there is not much room for tall appliances like this, plus it probably gets a little hot. Good review on this.

  2. For many years you could only purchase a toaster oven that have a hands-on command. This meant that you will need to alter the warmth switch continuously to determine the specific warmth setting for your certain item.


Throwback Thursday Music Edition The Deeper The Love By Whitesnake

 I love this song!!