Tuesday, September 29, 2015

BetterBox Gratitude

BetterBox is a monthly subscription box that will give you 21 days to your most grateful self. For just $34.00/a month you can chose Gratitude, Slumber or Pay It Forward. I got the Gratitude which is a step-by-step journey to shaping your best life and a better world. Each month has a new theme and then you go to where you sign up with an activation code and they send you an email with first deed to do mine was retrieve the Gratitude Mind Map from the box and perform the Mind Mapping Exercise and place somewhere prominent to inspire my quest. I placed mine over my desk as I am always here writing or looking online for ideas and recipes. I was filling this out and realized how hard it was to think of everyone in my life as I found out I take some of them for granted.
     The next day I am to show gratitude by using the artisan appreciation cards that came in the box and send a hard-written note of appreciation to a friend or loved one.  This time it was a bit easier writing these notes I am now fully aware of the people in my life and what they have done for me.

BetterBox also includes heart shaped sticky notes, Tea forte Green Mango Tea, Gratitude stone and The Soaking Tub Sweet Red Hibiscus Soaking Salts.
 If you would like to try Better Box and save $10.00 off your first order use code MISSY10

My Opinion: I like the idea of the box and what it has to offer but the price of the box seems high for what is included. I learned a lot about others around me and how I have been neglecting some of those people but until I did the tasks in this box and thought about it I would have never realize this. I am thankful for the people in my life family, friends and spouse.
To learn more about Better Box visit
Disclaimer: I was in no way compensated for this review and this is solely my own opinion which may differ from yours.


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