Saturday, January 21, 2017

Removing the Capital Cost Barrier to Sustainable Building Design By Marlon Kobacker

Out Now from Marlon Kobacker’s is “Removing the Capital Cost Barrier to Sustainable Building Design,” the sustainability advisory expert details the specific nature of the capital cost barrier along with the limitations it threatens to impose on sustainable building design if not properly addressed. While discussing the context in which certain capital costs effectively create an obstacle to the implementation of sustainable building and design practices, Mr. Kobacker discusses many of the misconceptions and erroneous beliefs that must first be dispelled before any other steps can be taken. The internationally renowned sustainability expert then addresses the specific strategic vision he employs in maximizing a project’s value while also minimizing its cost. Drawing on his varied experience in sustainable building development and design, Mr. Kobacker touches on a variety of subjects relevant to reducing the costs typically associated with green building techniques, including a cost-benefit analysis of sustainable building strategies as well as an explanation of the rationale behind the need for thoughtful consideration of the specific sustainability goals to be outlined from the outset of any project. 

While discussing the potential costs and benefits, Mr. Kobacker provides his expert insight into passive design techniques that can be implemented through early involvement in site selection, which can contribute significantly to the goal of achieving optimal building performance while simultaneously reducing a variety of associated costs.
My Opinion: This book is interesting for someone who has interest in building eco-friendly and cost effective homes with the current climate change happening and be conscious of the environment.

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