Thursday, December 7, 2017

Plants That Can Kill 101 Toxic Species To Make You Think Twice by Stacy Tornio

Plants That Can Kill 101 Toxic Species To Make You Think Twice by Stacy Tornio from Skyhorse Publishing. Master gardener Stacy Tornio now takes a look at those plants that can actually kill you if you’re not careful. In this book, she offers up information on gardening for enthusiasts of all levels about common plants that are toxic, poisonous, and even deadly. While the level of toxicity varies from each plant, all are considered deadly in one way or another to wild animals, family pets and even humans. With its colorful, easy-to-read format, Plants That Can Kill will introduce readers to what these plants look like, smell like, feel like, and sometimes even taste like. 

Fun facts, interesting tidbits, and history will combine to teach gardeners where these types of plants can be found, how poisonous each one is, and whether these plants are still okay to have in their gardens or if they should be gotten rid of immediately. Plants featured include many common and attractive species you may receive in bouquets or even decorate your homes with, including daffodils, irises, tulips, jasmine, witch hazel, mistletoe, poinsettias, buttercups, marigolds, and even fruits and vegetables like cherries, rhubarb, and some tomatoes.
My Opinion: I really had no idea there were toxic plants out there to harm humans and my pets so reading this book I found it very interesting. I learned Tulip bulbs can cause pets to drool, vomit, drool and heart/ respiratory problems in extreme cases.

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