Saturday, December 9, 2017

The Crooked Christmas Tree By Damian Chandler

The Crooked Christmas Tree By Damian Chandler from Hachette Book Group. In this thoroughly contemporary holiday story, a father lets his children choose the family Christmas tree. To his surprise, the kids pick one that is crooked. As he tries one thing after another to make the tree look right, he rediscovers the power of God’s love. He begins to understand Christmas in a new way, particularly when his family decorates their tree and crown it with a star, never even noticing the crookedness he spent hours in the garage struggling to hide. The tender and laugh-out-loud narrative of real-life relationships propel the reader through the most un-generic Christmas story. This upbeat and comedic treasure refreshes the Christmas message of love and faith.

My Opinion: I really enjoyed the story it was unique and different and put in perspective the spirituality and the beautiful Meaning behind Christmas is sometimes you lose focus of Christmas. This book is easy to read and very short pages to finish in no time and to be able to read year after year.

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