Saturday, December 9, 2017

You Are Beautiful By Ashley Reitz with Lorilee Craker

You Are Beautiful By Ashley Reitz with Lorilee Craker from Hachette Book Group.  Our world tells us that if we just look pretty and skinny, then we would be enough we would have value and worth. This message is dead wrong, but it took Ashley Reitz years to understand this. She spent most of her 28 years believe in that she was too chubby, boring, unseen and overlooked, not special, not enough. But when she underwent an emotional and spiritual transformation in her life a “model makeover” from insecure to confident in Christ. In this book, her heart’s desire is to help you discover that you, too, are loved and oh so beautiful. This book is for you if sometimes you feel like you are not then, pretty, good enough. You’ll learn Ashley’s story and its rawest, most vulnerable form, in the hope that you won’t feel so alone anymore.

 Here she chronicles growing up feeling overweight in unnoticed, we even in behind-the-scenes snapshots of the good, the bad, and ugly of the modeling industry. Here are lessons for you on how to find true confidence as you discover your identity and purpose in Christ. Ashley encourages you to discover your magnificent worth. You are seen, understood, cared for, and possibly loved. You are beautiful!
My Opinion: when I got this book in the mail and started to just see the cover I really could relate to it because I don’t feel that I’m beautiful and read in this book was very relatable because I’m pretty much a middle child and I’m still awkward at my age and I’m still timid so this book helped me out a lot. And I know other girls like me that don’t feel their beautiful will help them as well.

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