Thursday, October 18, 2018

Zing Toys Air Storm Z-Tek Bow

The Air Storm Z-Tek Bow from Zing Toys has high strength bungee cords to give you complete control allowing long-shot distance capabilities up to 145 feet. Get up close and personal with the Zartz suction cup arrow or take the high ground and launch long-bombs with the zonic whistle arrow. The Z Tek Bow has ultra durable power cords, low profile bungee, power grip, and fast loading. With fall in the air, this is the perfect toy to play outdoors as being red you can see them clearly so get mixed up with the leaves.

My Opinion: I watched my young grand-nephews play with this outdoors and what they were doing was trying to shoot in the air and hit believes the only problem they had with that is they kept it and it caught up in the branches so that wasn’t the best use of this but it got him outside to play. I like how sturdy and durable it is along with having suction cup arrows and whistle arrows.

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