Sunday, November 18, 2018

Next Level Thinking 10 Powerful Thoughts for A Successful and Abundant Life by Joel Osteen

Next Level Thinking 10 Powerful Thoughts for A Successful and Abundant Life by Joel Osteen from Hachette Book Group Many of us have let our minds become conditioned to thinking we’ve reached our limits, we’ve made too many mistakes, we’ll never do anything great. What’s happened? Instead of moving forward, we’ve adapted to our environment. Instead of pushing beyond our bounds, we’ve allowed a bad break, how we were raised, living with insecurity, or what someone did or didn’t do to hold us back. The good news is that people don’t determine our destiny God does. And He has already taken into account every detail of our lives and factored them all into His plan. 

In his new book, Next Level Thinking, Joel Osteen writes that we weren’t created to go through life weighed down by the past. God has destined us to rise higher to the next level. When we leave behind the negative mind-sets, the scarcity mentality, and the limits others have put on us, we’ll experience the life of victory, favor, and abundance that was meant for us all along.

My Opinion: This book teaches you how to be strong and confident in your life even though you may not feel that way currently. The chapter about getting the contaminants out taught me a lot as I have bitterness sometimes and it makes me miserable being able to let go and leave it up to God but I want to I also live with shame so I had to read that chapter as well.

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