Thursday, November 5, 2015

SolarPuff Holiday Gift Guide 2015

I just found the neatest thing online it is called SolarPuff and what this is a solar powered light cube. This arrived to my house completely flat being 0.25 inches which can fit in any backpack or back pocket; you just open it up and form the square shape. It has 100 lumens and can fully charge in the sun in 8 hours and lasting up to 8-12 hours. It is designed with sustainable and high performance fabric specifically engineered for durability, flexibility and water resistance for adaptability and recyclability.  

My Opinion: I really like this as it is great to take camping, hiking, nighttime beach fires as you can use this instead of a standard flashlight as it is very bright to see  with. It is so small it fits right in your pocket and Eco-friendly.

SolarPuff’S Purpose: The majority of the world needs to have light, which is one of the most basic and fundamental needs as a human being, for safety, for education, for livelihoods. It is still astounding that 1.6 billion people today do not have access to safe and sustainable light and rely on kerosene to light their world at night. The absence of light for the majority of the global population has had catastrophic ramifications on our local and global environment. So we are all interconnected through light and also though the absence of it.

Buying a SolarPuff, furthers our social mission to distribute light in the 3rd world and underdeveloped regions such as Asia and Sub Saharan Africa, where there are the most vulnerable of stake holders. When a customer buys a Solarpuff at 25.00$US it allows us to subsidize a SolarPuff to someone in an underserved region. Our strategy is to subsidize the distribution of Solarpuffs by working with Non Government Organizations as well as with local communities. This system for providing light to those in need is a multi faceted and cross-disciplinary approach to tackling issues of extreme poverty. We are not donating our SolaPuffs, we subsidize and partner with on the ground communities and local markets in order to create economic viability for those living in poverty.

Disclaimer: I was in no way compensated for this review and this is solely my own opinion which may differ from yours. 

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