Monday, November 9, 2015

XSENSE For Her Holiday Gift Guide 2015

I was intrigued by XSENSE as it is a natural scent with natural ingredients that can help you work better, play harder and rest easier. If I can find a product that can do this for me then I am all for it as I need to sleep better as I wake up all night long, I need to play more and have more energy doing it. I need to focus to work more on blogging, studying and job searching etc.
XSENSE sent me a Deluxe Sample Pack for Her to test which retails for $14.00 and the vials are 1 Milliliter.
A perfect way to try each scent in your own day; the deluxe sample pack has 2 doses of each scent to help you at work, play and rest. It’s a perfect introduction to the power of natural, scientifically backed ingredients. You get a sample of each of these containing ingredients which could help significantly:
WorkSense helping learning, retention, memory, and accuracy;
PlaySense helping speed and endurance;
RestSense helping reduce stress and improve relaxation.

All done with a specially formulated combination of pure essential oil ingredients each carefully chosen to stimulate areas associated with improved performance. Tailored specifically for men or women and inspired by award-winning research finding that natural scents can stimulate specific pathways.
Made with a proprietary mix of natural and pure ingredients
Based on real science but created by nature
Not a drug, not habit forming
Results may vary
Carefully formulated, with special versions for men and women

Ingredients: Pure and natural jojoba oil and essential oil fragrance; contains limonene and other natural products that may cause skin photo-sensitivity or irritation in rare cases.
My Opinion: You apply under your nose using your fingertip but not apply into your nostril or lips. I was not sure how I would handle having a scent under my nose all day but it was rather nice and I was not overpowering. I seemed to be more focused and accomplish more.

To see more visit

Disclaimer: I was in no way compensated for this review and this is solely my own opinion which may differ from yours. 

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