Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Dog House The Complete Series

Dog House aired in the 1990’s and Mill Creek Entertainment has released them all on DVD. Let me tell you about the series Detective Digby Underwood is in the Dog House, literally and not too thrilled about it. After a terrible car accident his brain, voice and personality have been transported into his dog Spot. Now a wise-cracking, opinionated St. Bernard, Digby must live with his sister-in-law and her three kids. But when his unique perspective on humans will help his new owners through a series of hair-raising adventures, But before he was their uncle now he’s their dog! Starring Jamiez Woolvett ( Unforgiven), Shelley Peterson (Dead Silence and featuring Bodie the dog (Steel Magnolias)

The episodes are: 
"Pilot”, "Speak Digby Speak", "The Furniture Show", "Lost and Found"
"Going, Going, Gone", "A Dog and His Bone", "The Amazing Annabelle"
"Cyrano Show", "Ted Moves In", "Helen's Date", "Camp Out","Coming of Age"
"Rear Window", "Ted Meats His Match", "Spot Marks the Ex", "A Matter of Trust", "Dog Day Glickman", "Uncle Digby's History", "Obedience School"
"Iris's Cookies", "Fear of Flying", "Eye on Clearview", "Risky Business", "Digby's Secret", "Bachelor #3" and "Rentsok".

My Opinion: I have never this before so this is brand new to me and I have to say very funny. I will be sharing this with my sisters and brothers for a family orientated movie.

Disclaimer: I was in no way compensated for this review and this is solely my own opinion which may differ from yours.

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Throwback Thursday Music Edition The Deeper The Love By Whitesnake

 I love this song!!