Friday, April 22, 2016

Fortunately Yours Mother's Day Gift Guide 2016

Mother’s Day is on May 8th, 2016 and have you thought about what to get mom ? Well, let me give you an idea from Fortunately Yours where you can get personalized fortune cookies that use real vanilla along with a variety of colored chocolate and decorations.  Each cookie is individually wrapped in a clear cellophane wrapper for maximum freshness.
I got 12 which goes for $18 and had the following decorations green chocolate with a purple flower, yellow chocolate with red sugar crystals with a pink flower, green chocolate with flower edible pastel star confetti, pink chocolate with green sugar crystals and purple flower, pink chocolate with yellow nonpareils and pink flower, green chocolate with purple crystals and a pink flower, yellow chocolate with blue sugar crystals and a blue flower, pink chocolate with a yellow flower, yellow chocolate with a white flower, pink chocolate with flower edible pastel star confetti, green chocolate with yellow nonpareils and a yellow flower and lastly yellow chocolate with white nonpareils and a yellow flower.

My Opinion: I like the uniqueness of the Mother’s Day gift and the way it arrives in a cute white box but I would spruce up the box to show more of a pop. Also, some of the fortune cookies are a bit crisp but have nice mom-themed fortunes inside.
To see more visit

About Them: As a Sales Representative, Rhonda Lashes set about finding the most interesting and unique giveaways for her customers.  She succeeded so well, in fact, her fellow Sales Reps. wanted to know where she obtained her giveaways.  She would purchase them and resell them for a small profit and did so well that Fortunately Yours was born.  The growth of the company was such that she hired a few workers and incorporated in 1998.  In 2001, she married a wealthy man and sold the business to her bookkeeper, Dawn Maynard.

Disclaimer: I was in no way compensated for this review and this is solely my own opinion which may differ from yours.

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Nadine West