Thursday, May 4, 2017

Katherine of Aragon, The True Queen by Alison Weir

Katherine of Aragon, The True Queen by Alison Weir is part of the Tudor Queen Series from Random House is available on May 2, 2017. A princess of Spain and the youngest daughter of the powerful monarchs Ferdinand and Isabella, Catalina is coveted price for a royal marriage and Arthur, Prince of Wales heir to the English throne, has one her hand. But tragedy strikes and Catalina, now Princess Katherine, is betrothed to the future Henry VIII. She must wait for his coming of age, and ordeal that tests her resolve, casts doubt on her trusted confidants, and turns her into a virtual prisoner. But Katherine’s patients is rewarded when she becomes Queen of England. 

The affection between Katherine and Henry is genuine, but forces beyond her control threatening to rend her marriage, and indeed the nation, apart. Henry has fallen under the spell of Katherine’s maid of honor, Anne Boleyn. Now Katherine must be prepared to fight, too and if God wills it, for her faith, her legitimacy, and her heart.

My Opinion: I really enjoyed this book as I typically don’t read any of this type but this was engaging and it kept me entertained wondering what’s on the next page what’s in the next chapter. It is beautifully and accurately written and I was very impressed with it.
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