Tuesday, January 8, 2019

Da Vinci’s Way By Robin Stevens Payes

Da Vinci’s Way By Robin Stevens Payes from Small Batch Books. Charley Morton, girl inventor extraordinaire, is determined to hack time. When her model for a Time Machine accidentally ignites, Charley’s sent whirling back 500 years, coming face-to-face with her Renaissance idol, Leonardo da Vinci. It’s a perfect scenario for the Renaissance girl wannabe. Until the news: her mother is gravely ill. Charley must get home! Can she reverse-engineered time travel and what future will she encounter if she succeeds?

My Opinion: this is another great book for Christmas for teenage kids as they way to promote reading for content and inspiration by open the gateway to STEM and STEAM learning. I found it interesting that she got to meet her idol but then choose faced with the decision to go home because her mom was gravely ill and trying to figure out the way home.

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