Sunday, July 1, 2012

Bee Free Honee

I received as part of a product review Bee Free Honee. Bee Free Honee is made from apples rather than bees. It is made in Minnesota which makes it a unique product. I used it this morning on my English muffin and it has the look and consistence of honey the taste reminds me of a candy apple and it is sweet so when you put it on and you may not want it so sweet put less then I put on.
Here is a photo of Bee Free Honee:

You can use it on any product you would normally use honey rather it be a recipe or food. You can view more on their website at: you can also find where to purchase this product and the price for it is a homemade product and the size of the bottle will last you awhile unless you love honey then you will be buying it more often. Here is a history on the company: My name is Katie Sanchez, I own RAES Foods and am the creator of Bee Free Honee. I'd like to tell you a little about our company.
RAES Foods, Inc. is a family business, based in Minnesota. Even the company name is part of the family.
R: Rosa, my mother-in-law
A: Agustin, my father-in-law, my husband, and my son
E: Emma, my daughter
S: Sanchez, our family name
Pronounced "Ray's" and Ray is my father. Even the image of the apple tree, the product logo, is an original painting by my sister, Meri DeCaria. A well established artist in Utah and director of Phillips Gallery in Salt Lake City.
Bee Free Honee is made in Minnesota and using strictly Midwest apples. The bottles and caps are from Stillwater, MN, the boxes from Golden Valley, MN, and the printing is done in Minneapolis. I strive to keep things local and as green as possible. That hasn't always been easy and it is usually a little more expensive, but I have made personal commitment to be an asset to my community and to this world in any way I can, so I see it as a non-negotiable deal.
Bee Free Honee is hopefully just the beginning. I hope to have the opportunity to meet you at one of our sampling demos, but if you cannot get out to meet me in person, please feel free to write. Visit our Contact page for information.
Again, thank you for your support and remember Bee Free & Natural!

Disclaimer: I recieved this as part of a product review and was in no way compensated for this review. 

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 I love this song!!