Sunday, February 3, 2019

Daily Readings from All Things are Working for Your Good by Joel Osteen

Daily Readings from All Things are Working for Your Good by Joel Osteen from Hachette Book Group. All of us will go through dark times that we don’t understand: a difficulty with a friend, an unfair situation at work, a financial setback, an unexpected illness, a divorce, or the loss of a loved one. Those types of experiences are part of the human journey, but in his book All Things Are Working for Your Good, Joel Osteen teaches that if we stay in faith and keep a good attitude when we go through challenges, we will not only grow, but we will see how all things work together for our good. Now, Joel Osteen offers this companion devotional, that will provide motivation with daily readings and inspirational prayers that will encourage you through the darkness, as you seek the light in God’s will. 

If we will go through the dark place in the valley trusting, believing, and knowing that God is still in control, we will come to the table that is already prepared for us, where our cup runs over.
My Opinion: taught me a lot this book did is up and going through a lot as far as my life goes in trying to decide what is right for me and him so confused. I really needed to read this book as him having difficulty with a lot of the dark times listed above. I have not forgotten my faith but sometimes get wrapped up in my own self I forget about it a little bit and I shouldn’t.

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